Das Paar verlor 178 kg in 2 Jahren – mit nur 2 einfachen Regeln und heute sind sie nicht wiederzuerkennen

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#facetofacefriday We all start somewhere, never be ashamed of any progress pictures or how you lived before, but be proud of how far you've come! I wouldn't have shown the picture on the left to anyone last year & now I post it proudly. First dietbet weigh in vs the last! Some days you forget about the bigger picture with slow progress, however progress is still progess! At the end of the day this is a journey, not a sprint. Losing 303lbs on my own in just over 18 months means i'm no longer a prisoner in my body. I've already come so far despite all the bumps along my journey & every single bump couldnt set me back, so I used it as fuel to get where I needed to be. When I started my journey I was looking for a way to stay accountable while having the support of others. I didn't really know where to start, but I knew I was Fedup and ready for change. I found out about dietbet through a friend & decided to join since I was planning on losing weight anyways. In the past I had always joined work #weightloss competitions & it always helped me, but when they ended I never stayed on track. Through dietbet I found a supportive community of people with the same goals, & I learned more about healthy recipes & tips. I then started meeting my goals, and I was getting paid to lose weight. @dietbet helped me change my life & thats why I'm so passionate about now hosting them to help others. I've done a dietbet almost every month of my journey to stay on track, and I know they work. Why not bet on a healthier you this month? Bet $30 you can lose 4% in a month & when you do split the pot with the other winners! Nobody ever sees your weight or pictures, and we get to lose together. Our next game just started & you can still join for 14 days! Take the first step today & finish 2017 strong! Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #goals #fitspo #motivation #fitnessmotivation #countingcalories #weightlossjourney #transform #health #extremeweightloss #fattofit #obesetobeast #gym #workout #exercise #plussize #diet #dietbet #goals #gymlife #losingweight #weightloss #fitfam #diet #weightlossjourney #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #weightlosstransformation #fit

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Lexi und Danny Reed aus Indiana, Amerika, waren sehr übergewichtig. Sie wollten Kinder haben und zusammenleben, aber ihr Gewicht war schlichtweg ein Problem. Lexi wog um die 220 kg während Danny 127 kg wog. Am Neujahrstag 2016 entschloss sich das Paar, endlich etwas gegen ihr Übergewicht zu tun, wie Today. Sie entschlossen sich, ohne Operation, spezieller Diät oder persönlichem Trainer abzunehmen. Und zwei Jahre später verloren sie 178 kg zusammen, 137 kg alleine verlor Lexi!

Keywords: Krankenversicherung, Yoga, Medizin, Arzt, Gesundheit, Versicherung, Zahnarzt, Zahn, Fit, Schmerzen, Apotheke, Fitness, Sport, Diät, Vegan